The Nigerian Government approved N65 Billion for constructing a 23.7km fence at the University of Maiduguri

University of Maiduguri Nigeria is one the Federa Government owned Institutions, established in 1975 with the Motto“Knowledge is light” and uniquely founded in the North Eastern Nigeria bordered by Niger, Chad and Cameroon republics. It has attracted student because of its urban or cosmopolitan location.

It has Prof. Biodun Adesanya as its Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council. His Imperial Majesty, Oba (Dr) Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III JP, CFR (The Alafin of Oyo) as Chancellor. The Professor Aliyu Shugaba Vice-Chancellor.

It sits on a land mass of about 310,066 Sq. Km(

In the early hours of January 16, 2017, a suicide bomb attack occurred at a mosque in the University. Four people including an academician, professor Aliyu Mani, lost their lives in the explosion with about 17 people others wounded. Shekau, the leader of the Boko-Haram insurgents claimed responsibility.

June 25th, 2017, 3 suicide bombers attacked the University again. One security guard was killed, after this, the University commenced digging a 27-km` trench around her perimeter to prevent Boko Haram attacks. 

July 6th, 2017, 2 terrorists again tried to bomb a dormitory at the University but were foiled by security operatives. One was shot dead, the other detonated his devise and was killed. There was similar in May 13th and May 18th, 2017. The brave Nigerian army also repelled attacks from terrorist on Sunday September 15th, 2019. 

News emanated July 31st that the Federal Government have approved the construction of a perimeter fence around the University, to stop the terrorist from gaining easy access. The Universities Academic Staff Union Chairman, Dr Dani Mamman, was quoted as saying that only the western and southern parts of University campus were initially fenced. The other parts were still under construction. 

The Federal Government has approved N64 bn for the complete construction of 27.3-kilometre perimeter fence for institution to finally sort out her porosity, and secure the lives and properties of academicians, staff and students.

Nigerians have wondered how such amounts could be approved for a fencing project, and many have voiced their displeasure, calling it financial impropriety.

While everyone is in full support of the project to secure lives and properties of Nigerians, they would like it done financial regularity.